Other acts of illegal foreign exchange arbitrage. 非法套汇的其他行为。
Optimizing the Method of Seeking for the Foreign Exchange Arbitrage Route 国际外汇市场无风险套汇路径的优化搜索
The concerns echo those raised by the exchange industry and banks earlier this year when they warned about the risk of regulatory arbitrage the move by traders to a more benign regime. 今年早些时候,交易所行业和银行业人士曾表达过同样的担心。他们当时警告称,这有可能导致监管套利,即交易员转移到监管环境更温和的地方进行交易。
In many cases, the company would also use a currency derivative to eliminate the foreign exchange risk, completing the arbitrage. 在许多情况下,这家公司还会使用货币衍生品来规避汇率变动风险。这就是整个套利流程。
Foreign Exchange Arbitrage is that the bank provides the form of managing finance affairs, avoiding the risk of the Exchange Rate and passing through arbitrage business for maintaining the original of the monetary purchasing power. 外汇宝业务是银行为客户提供的一种方便理财、避免汇率风险、通过套汇保值增值的投资方式。
In order to protect the two partners, the web sites have their own self-restraint systems. The theoretical game analysis of exchange arbitrage, interest arbitrage and illegal capital flows versus capital account control 为保证双方利益不受损失,网站上有一套自我制约机制。套汇、逃汇、套利与资本管制的博弈分析
Both interest rates and exchange rates can vary substantially between Hong Kong and the mainland, providing a big opportunity for anyone that can find ways to arbitrage the two markets. 香港和内地之间,无论是利率还是汇率都存在显著差异,这为任何能找到办法在两地之间套利的人提供了巨大的机会。
Mr Yu argues that even its use to date is "superficial", little more than a ruse enabling exchange rate arbitrage between the free offshore renminbi market and the controlled onshore one. 余永定指出,迄今为止这种使用甚至只“停留在表面”,充其量是一种在不受限的离岸人民币市场与受限的在岸人民币市场之间进行汇率套利的手段。
Since foreign-exchange transactions would be involved, the Peoples Bank of China and State Administration of foreign exchange might have to play a role in this arbitrage mechanism. 由于此举涉及外汇交易,因此中国人民银行及国家外汇管理局可能需要参与这套利机制。
However, traders and analysts say the bank is often active in intervening in the foreign exchange market, and this creates arbitrage opportunities for international funds. 但交易员和分析师都表示,台湾央行经常积极地干预外汇市场,给国际基金创造了套利机会。
Accelerating to Imagine of the Development of the Foreign Exchange Arbitrage 加快外汇宝业务发展的设想&对长春交行外汇宝业务的调研
In this paper, we present a generalized network model for arbitrage in foreign exchange market. We also formulate the generalized network programming for solving the problem of maximum arbitrage profit and propose an algorithm based on dynamic programming for finding all of the arbitrage chances. 本文对外汇交易的套利决策问题建立了一个广义网络模型,提出了解决最大套利收益问题的广义网络流规划和寻找所有套利机会的动态规划方法。
In the international foreign exchange market, there exists opportunities of no risk arbitrage sometimes, because of the separation of position, different operating time and discrepant information among different markets. 在国际外汇市场中,由于市场在地理位置上的分离、经营时间的差异以及信息的差异,可能在某一时刻存在着无风险套汇的机会。
Capital flow is sensitive to interest rate and foreign exchange rate, a small spread may lead to large-scale currency conversion and arbitrage activities. 而国际资本流动对利率、汇率波动的敏感程度较强,微小的利差、汇差就可能导致大范围的货币兑换和套利行为。
The theoretical game analysis of exchange arbitrage, interest arbitrage and illegal capital flows versus capital account control 套汇、逃汇、套利与资本管制的博弈分析
Policy of government adequated to wave with the interest rate, rate of exchange, target the international speculation capital, so it will obstructs the capital market was operated with foreign exchange market to arbitrage. 配合利率、汇率的适时变动,锁定国际投机资本,使资本市场与外汇市场通过现货对冲的方式阻止套利行为的发生。
Although the variety in the Chinese stock index futures seems to be single, rapid growth, the stock index futures exchange volume, open interest increases steadily, mechanism of hedging, arbitrage demand tends to be intense, and the investor structure is gradually optimized. 尽管当前我国股指期货品种单一,但成长迅速,成交量、持仓量稳步提升,机构套保、套利诉求日趋强烈,投资者结构逐步优化。
We need to gradually improve the timely and effective cross-border capital flow monitoring and early warning system and emergency measures, pay close attention to the offshore RMB exchange rate, interest rate market orientation and prevent RMB rate spreads arbitrage fund large-scale fluctuations causing abnormal fluctuations. 我们要逐步健全及时、有效的跨境资金流动监测预警体系及应急措施,密切关注离岸市场人民币汇率、利率取向,防范境内外人民币汇差、利差异常波动引起套利资金大规模波动。